
  • President

    Colette Fauchon

  • Vice President


  • Secretary

    David Burke

  • Treasurer

    Carey Green

  • Production

    Lise-Anne Beyries

  • Librarian, Decoration and Social Media

    Kristine Kennedy

  • Member-at-Large (Assistant Librarian)

    Lynn Ayers

  • Member-at-Large (Assistant Librarian and Website)

    Josie Nixon

  • Member-at-Large


  • Member-at-Large


Choir Volunteers

The Sea to Sky Singers is a non-profit community choir. Our concerts are held every spring and fall, at various venues around Squamish. They are the result of everyone in the choir volunteering for various tasks. Please volunteer in some way, as it really helps us be the wonderful social organization that we are!

The Sea to Sky Singers is a registered society under the BC Societies Act.